Every Failure = 1 Step Closer To Success

Ever wonder why we are so unfazed by the people who often just stick to the status quo? It is because they choose to avoid failure by choosing not to start on it. These people treat failure as the end. In short, those who have it easy live an unfulfilling life. Truth be told, we must always regard Failure as a source of valuable revenue in life. Life is so short that we ought to regard the experiences we go through seriously. Let us stop looking failure as something that will pull us away from our ultimate goal but rather start seeing that failure is something we will all encounter along the road to our ultimate success. Nobody who was ever successful in this world had it easy. They all certainly had days when they doubted the outcome but what differentiates them from the rest is that they are not afraid of failures. They will come face to face with failures at times, but they are not hindered by them. This is because they know that NOT starting on...