The Difference Between Someone Who Is Successful And Someone Who Is A Snob

We work hard to achieve something for various reasons. These reasons can be generalised into two main types. The first kind is those people who work hard trying to simply impress others while the other is simply hard at work. The difference between these two is that the former is just snobbery and the latter will actually attain more fulfilment in life. In today's capitalistic and meritocratic society, there is bound to be people whose aim is to work hard in order to make lots of money. These people achieve status through their financial prowess and their self-worth is measured only by money (and only money alone). Nothing else matters to them. The "I-have-much-more-than-you-so-I-must-be-naturally-better-than-you" mentality has brought about a mistaken attitude that a person's character can only be quantified by the amount the money one possesses. There is a reason why some very rich people bring about a character that can be very frowned upon. They enjoy f...