When All Is Said And Not Done...

Your hard work may turn into nothing of value when it is coming from someone else's mouth. The endless behind-the-scenes efforts in getting something to fruition may be judged by others as something that can be easily done by anyone given enough time and resources. After all, things are always easier said than done. Truth be told, these people, or anyone for that matter, may actually be able to succeed. Only that they lack the necessary actions required for actual execution; only that they lack the undying determination to see it through to the end; only that they lack the fiery passion in them to fuel their ambitions; only that they lack the undaunted courage to continue despite the many struggles; and only that they lack the sincerity to convince others to believe their visions. Credit: Romain Guy (Flickr) Never let those people who can only talk stop you in your tracks. The person that is advancing through your own actions is you and absolutely ...