We All Need A Little Courage To Be Disliked

If you never strive to live life your own way, who's ever going to live for you? You are not born in this world to satisfy other's expectation. Neither is anyone else born to satisfy your expectation. If you insist on the things that is right for yourself, you should not be afraid of being hated by others. If we care to stop and imagine for a while, for most of our waking hours, we constantly toil hard to maintain good people relationships; we thread cautiously in our speech for fear of offending others; we dare not speak up the truth since we are apprehensive about being condemned by the small social circle that we depend upon. This will not only cause us to concede the very principles that truly define who we are, and we may also make others think we are just being pretentious. Too concerned about what others think to a point where you lose yourself. Similar to what famous psychologist Alfred Adler has mentioned, in our interactions with other humans alike, w...