To The Ones Who Feel Lost In Life, Start Getting Clear On This First

It is very common to find people in the early 20's, especially the ones who are going to be graduating from university soon and the ones who start to find themselves stranded in the competitive environment that is the workforce, encounter this conundrum that Life has to offer, but the current education system never quite prepares us for: "My passion is in doing THIS but I can't seem to find a good use for it in this society, what do I do?". Before delving into this topic, it is important to understand the difference between Talent and Passion ; many of us assume that Talent and Passion are the same. However, Talent often seems to mean a natural tendency to perform a particular task very well without much guidance. A God's gift to you, if you will. However, a particular skill that you are able to master almost effortlessly does not necessarily mean you are passionate in doing it every waking moment of your Life; it does not necessarily mean you have the motiva...