Preach Only What You Know, Accept What You Unwittingly Know, Never Take To Heart What You Do Not Already Know

Preach only what you know : Whenever someone goes around saying things he does not know, he will inadvertently hurt someone else in the process, sometimes even to the extent of getting hurt himself. Everyone will no longer believe the words you say, and you live in the fear of other's suspicions. Accept What You Unwittingly Know : Life, in and of itself, is an accident by means of fate, and it all started the minute you were born. It does not matter whether it is the fact that you overheard someone spreading rumours about you, or you being totally unprepared in losing a relationship, or being forced to step down from your job, whenever such events occur, it would be better if you prep yourself up for the next phase of the journey instead of resisting it with all your might. For all you know, such incident would have been perfect gift wrap for the next present you are about to receive. Never Take To Heart What You Do Not Already Know : Certain matters or events in Life are...