Everything You Gave Up When You Were 15, You May Come To Regret At 18...All the Laziness You Entitled Yourself To, Will Come Back To Haunt You

Life is always like this, whatever you have lost, fate will use another method to compensate you. When one species of flower withers away, another species will flourish in its new place. One day, you will realise that everything you have lost, will be compensated in another fashion. Those who get duly compensated in the future, are the ones who have reunited with the better version of themselves in due time. Most of us often find ourselves looking for a job after graduating from University, only to find ourselves feeling tired at the end of each working day, whining away about the completing the task at hand and cannot seem to find a way out after several revisions. In fact, there is another perspective to this situation. Is it true that putting in the effort means you will get the due credit? Having to spend long hours editing the same article for 30 times, or correcting a work report for 40 times does not prove your diligence and accomplishments. As an analogy...