What Is Your Worth Outside Of Your Job Title And Salary?
Have you ever asked yourself who are you outside of your day job? Have you realised that very likely the only time when you bother to pen down something about yourself, it is probably updating your résumé listing out your past experiences working in a job that you thought would add some worthiness in your life? Have you also realised that probably when you talked a stranger up to get to know him or her, the first thing that is brought up, more often than not, will be linked your role in a job and the salary that is being drawn?
Summarily, most of us seem to be "exchanging our time for money" doing a job for a company that does not define you as a person. This is very aptly depicted by the cartoon strip by Cat and Girl.
Credit: Cat and Girl
So, let us stop wasting our time on working for things that don't matter to us deep down inside and start building your own future by defining your self-worth that is unique to each and everyone of us. Start by asking yourself truthfully: "What is your worth outside of your job title and salary?"
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