
Showing posts from December, 2015

Are You Living With A False Sense of Existence?

In today's information driven society, there exists an illness regarding our existence. We have this fear that our existence are being eliminated by the constant flooding of information coming at us from all direction. We are also afraid of not being able to catch up with the times as technology advances at rapid speed. Those are the reasons why most of us tend to take photographs of our meals, tag ourselves wherever we go, just so that, through social medias, everyone would hopefully remember that we even exist in this world. Human existence in entirety seems to have evolved into a spiritual crisis in modern society. Credit: Zen Gardner Now, imagine your boss asks you to complete a project assignment. You devote to it wholeheartedly but nobody has ever bothered to ask anything about it for 40 odd years, how would you feel? What kind of human existence would you consider it to be if you have put in decades of your life into contributing to an important project assignmen...