Are You Living With A False Sense of Existence?
In today's information driven society, there exists an illness regarding our existence. We have this fear that our existence are being eliminated by the constant flooding of information coming at us from all direction. We are also afraid of not being able to catch up with the times as technology advances at rapid speed. Those are the reasons why most of us tend to take photographs of our meals, tag ourselves wherever we go, just so that, through social medias, everyone would hopefully remember that we even exist in this world. Human existence in entirety seems to have evolved into a spiritual crisis in modern society.
Credit: Zen Gardner
Now, imagine your boss asks you to complete a project assignment. You devote to it wholeheartedly but nobody has ever bothered to ask anything about it for 40 odd years, how would you feel? What kind of human existence would you consider it to be if you have put in decades of your life into contributing to an important project assignment but never really quite get the corresponding affirmation that it calls for? How can each of us go about obtaining that affirmation we all crave for in order to let others recognize our existence?
One great example is Tu Youyou. She is a 2015 Nobel Prize holder. At the age of 85 this year, she is one of the oldest person to have graced the world's highest honour. She took part in a classified project in 1969 and her task was to develop a new form of medication for Malaria. She was determined and succeeded only on her 191st trial 2 years later. Arteminsinin was hence born. Nobody knew her contribution and she was widely dismissed as a scientist with no proper qualifications. Despite living in obscurity for 46 year, she did not waver and used instead her devotion and focus to prove her worth in this world.
In each passing moment, each of us eagerly seeks to garner applause from the people around us. Above all, we constantly seek to make use of superficial social indicators for comparison among our friends just so that we can look that much superior than anybody else. These actions embody the perfect image we thought we ought to have, as well as the impetuous nature and the level of anxiety that the modern society makes us think we should be behaving. Rather, all of these simply give us a false sense of existence. All of these will ultimately be buried away by the increasing mountains of information and none of these will ever be remembered upon, leaving us to constantly expending our time and energy on pursuing the miserable things in life.
We must understand the true worth of our existence can only be validated by great works that are able to withstand the test of time as well as the lure of fame and fortune. The sacrifices and contributions these dedicated people had put in driven by the purpose of serving for the betterment of mankind. So, let us go on loving our passion and focus on what you have to offer to the world so that we can make the world just that little bit more amazing than it already is.
One great example is Tu Youyou. She is a 2015 Nobel Prize holder. At the age of 85 this year, she is one of the oldest person to have graced the world's highest honour. She took part in a classified project in 1969 and her task was to develop a new form of medication for Malaria. She was determined and succeeded only on her 191st trial 2 years later. Arteminsinin was hence born. Nobody knew her contribution and she was widely dismissed as a scientist with no proper qualifications. Despite living in obscurity for 46 year, she did not waver and used instead her devotion and focus to prove her worth in this world.
In each passing moment, each of us eagerly seeks to garner applause from the people around us. Above all, we constantly seek to make use of superficial social indicators for comparison among our friends just so that we can look that much superior than anybody else. These actions embody the perfect image we thought we ought to have, as well as the impetuous nature and the level of anxiety that the modern society makes us think we should be behaving. Rather, all of these simply give us a false sense of existence. All of these will ultimately be buried away by the increasing mountains of information and none of these will ever be remembered upon, leaving us to constantly expending our time and energy on pursuing the miserable things in life.
We must understand the true worth of our existence can only be validated by great works that are able to withstand the test of time as well as the lure of fame and fortune. The sacrifices and contributions these dedicated people had put in driven by the purpose of serving for the betterment of mankind. So, let us go on loving our passion and focus on what you have to offer to the world so that we can make the world just that little bit more amazing than it already is.
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