When Preparation Meet Opportunity...
Ever since the dawn of mankind, we have an innate tendency to attach a reason to everything to make sense of the world that we live in. We take a shot at contriving meanings for everything. We conceive theories in order to justify any patterns that we recognize amid all the noises in our everyday lives. In fact, what we do not realize is the downplaying on the element of luck and the role it plays in the eyes of those successful people.
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" ~ Seneca
When we see a soccer player scoring goals and winning the game for the club, we conclude that he is the best player in the world. We spot a classmate scoring high marks on a test and we presume that he is one of the smartest in the class. We certainly expect the same kind of performance for subsequent tests. Anything less than a stellar result would be considered as something out of the ordinary. If truth be told, it could simply be the soccer player or the student has gotten a tad bit lucky. No reasons to be attached.
The ironic part of luck is that we cannot count on it to repeat. The more luck that is required for an event to be overcome, the less likely it is to repeat. When things do not repeat as we expected to be, we cook up credible reasons to explain these "unusual" observations.
If the soccer player is off-form and does not score a goal in a match, we may decide that he wasn't focused in this match. If that particular student does not do well in his exams, we conclude that he did not spend enough studying for it. If we stop ourselves and put things in perspective, we are less likely to come to a conclusion every time things fall out of its usual pattern.
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