The Odds Will Always Be Against You, But Fret Not...

There are generally three categories of people in today's society, and these indicate the level of difficulty you will face in order to convince them to buy in your personal ideas and values you deeply believe is your calling in life. Obviously, the higher the difficulty, the more skills you will need to possess in order to convince these people. This concept might sound familiar for people who are in the sales industry, but this concept does not just apply to the sales industry. This theory certainly applies to all the things we do from all walks of life.

No matter what your goal in life is, you will bump into a majority of hard rejections; a couple of indifferent rejections that if you are skilled enough, you can win over; and only once in a blue moon, you are going to bump into some opportunities that are literally just waiting for you to show by their doorsteps.

The Law of Large Numbers dictates that the more times you take action and the more you are rejected, the more likely that you will find successes. The theoretical probability of success is obviously small and the beauty lies in that there is no one, however smart, who knows the exact ingredients and doses in order to succeed. In order to finally get more people to buy into your ideas and values, all you have to do is to concentrate on creating them. One fine day, you will finally find someone who will be inspired by what you are doing. When that happens, the floodgate of success will open up for you.

In the world of mathematics and science, laws are obeyed when all underlying conditions are aligned with the processes and thoughts that you act upon and the Law of Large Numbers is no exception. In the game of Life, it is all about playing the numbers game right. All of us are supposed to receive rejections after rejections because the odds will always be against each one of us. But if you keep playing, you will eventually be able to win. Success is imminent for all of us; it is only a matter of how many failures each of us is willing to stumble upon and the ways we can leverage on our failures in order to finally achieve it. 


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