Hard Work Is The Only Controllable Part On Your Journey To Success

Imagine you are about to go on a date with your crush, and even if you have been busy the whole day and exhausted, you would still happily dress yourself up for the occasion just so you can fulfill this wonderful date that makes you happy. Just like setting yourself up with that lifelong dream of yours, you do not just kind of want to realise it, you are very determined to achieve it at whatever the cost. This cause of yours will get your adrenaline pumping, makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning to get on with doing that one thing without much hesitation. Simply because this is your Dream, your Achievement, your source of Happiness, and you could only wish you have 48 hours in a day to work so that you can bring yourself that much closer to achieving it.

Many successful entrepreneurs probably do not have the luxury of sleeping six to eight hours every day, and have you ever wondered why they still appear radiant in front of the world everytime they step
out? The main reason is due to the fiery passion that burns within him each time he gets to work. Successful people do not dread their work, and will work hard to complete the projects and plans which allow them have that sense of fulfillment. Conversely, when you are not clear of your own goals and dreams, your daily work can only seem like a grind with no end in sight. Overtime at work will make you feel like it is the end of the world. Every additional minute lying in bed is pure comfort, follow by the constant whining when dragging yourself out of bed, and going about your day trying to complete work that you have complete disinterest in ... largely because you have not spent your time looking out for your own goals, and cannot seem to establish your values in the work you do. Hence, lethargic people do not put in the hard work because they see work as an obligation, rather than as a motivation, and have little to no idea what they ought to be doing with their lives.

It is always satisfying to make use of funnel questioning to let people who seem lost get more clarifications on what exactly they are trying to look for in Life. Asking questions such as: "How will you see yourself in the near future?", "What kind of Life you want to be living in 10 years' time?", "Be it in work or life, what kind of results do you hope to achieve?", "Does the effort you put in now have any relation with what you hope to become?". Letting them seek the answers on their own ultimately brings their focus back onto themselves and the realisations that they would get out of it. I would realise many a times what a person has actually been doing things contradicts with what he envisioned for himself; he has been traveling in the wrong direction all along. If you ever feel like any of your current actions disagrees with becoming the kind of person you hope to become, it is very obvious that you have not been treating your Life with the proper respect it deserves.

Cherish those that you have, because of what you do not have

Every choices we make is a form of gamble, especially the younger ones who tend to be more ignorant and less informed about the things they are proficient in as well as the things they hope to pursue. I may not be a trained professional, but oftentimes, this kind of method brings good effect on them. You will not have all the answers you need, trying things out will certainly bring clarity in time to come. We can never be certain the outcome of a choice or a gamble, but proscratinating and leaving stones unturned will definitely not bring you anywhere.

When I was younger, there are very little things that I could afford. It is because of this that I tend to cherish the opportunities others have given upon me. You will never know how strong you can be until being strong is the only option you have left, so bring yourself out of your comfort zone and see yourself grow in ways that you have never imagined before.

First, you would have to start small. Everyone has to start somewhere and slowly prove your own worth over time. Never even think about taking the easiest path there is, and do not pick the most comfortable job there is to do. After all, down slope is always the easiest path to take on, isn't it?

It is natural for human to take on the easiest job with the least responsibility to complete, and very few take on the hardest work. Oftentimes, the hardest work is the most important work of all. Choosing to do the easy job is analogous to walking down a slope, you will never learn anything new from it and sooner or later, you will get eliminated; and taking on the tough upward climb will enable you to gain new perspective, to grow, and finally, reach the top and enjoy the beautiful scenery that is the fruit of your labour.


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