Be Mindful of The Good to Drown Out the Bad, And Not Accentuate the Bad and Mask Away the Good

Learn to get along with the not-so-good side of yourself, and learn to detach yourself with people that drain you.

Nobody is ever perfect, and no one can certainly maintain a positive emotion forever. On this journey of Life, there will be times when you hit a rough patch. Your boss may be threatening to dismiss you; your friend may be giving you the cold shoulder at a time when you need him or her most; your colleague may be coldheartedly mocking you; Life may be pulling your leg during time of despair. Even though you do not want any of such events to ever happen, any of such events will still find ways to slip into your Life.

However, coming face-to-face with certain negative events does not mean that there are no bright spots in some other aspects of your Life. Scientific studies have shown that our human brains are by nature attuned to negativity bias; we react to negative events almost instantly, while positive news take a dozen more seconds for our minds to sink in. Hence, you ought to give positivity a little more time to slowly walk into your Life. Also remember that even if you may be inadequate in some areas of Life, it does not automatically allow anyone the permission to treat you badly. There are many people out there who would find ways to pick out your shortcomings to put themselves in good light, when in fact, they may not be anywhere better off than you are as of this moment.

The world is like that, the good and the bad will often take turns for a hit at you. We ought to learn how to reaffirm ourselves during the good times, and how to console ourselves during the bad. There is no despair in Life that lasts indefinitely, and the wounds that may not have not fully healed today will eventually build you up to be a stronger person in the future.


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